Life can get you down. It’s plain and simple. It happens to everyone, no matter how strong of a guard we build up. In fact, there will be days that will get you down so much that you aren’t quite sure you will be able to get back up again. When these days come, we often make it a habit to hide what we feel. We don’t allow ourselves to experience pain but instead we try to bottle it up and hide it in deep recesses of our soul. We don’t want to show that we are weak, that we are fragile, that we are human.
What we need to realize is that it’s ok not to be ok. Don’t feel like you are somehow inferior for feeling something whole heartedly. Even if that feeling is pain. Don’t hide your emotions to save some face or because you don’t want to make others uncomfortable. It’s ok to cry. It’s ok to scream. Heck, it's ok to crawl up in a ball, hide in the corner, to cry and scream even louder. You are hurting and that is nothing to be ashamed about.
Someone wise once told me that “sometimes we find ourselves in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes, in the middle of nowhere, we find ourselves.” We all get a little lost sometimes but that doesn’t mean we will never be able to be found again. If we allow our bodies to feel pain, we might just learn a little something about ourselves in the process. Often times we find that we are a hell of a lot stronger than we think. Sometimes it just takes a little hurt to realize that.
Life can suck. A lot. And often times, things won’t be ok. Acknowledge it. Work on it. Work on yourself. Pretty soon, things will have a way of working themselves out. But while you wait for that, remember to feel. Don’t lie to yourself and say you are ok. You are not ok and believe me, that’s ok.