I grew up in a household where going to church wasn’t really a thing. I never knew anything the Bible nor did I have anyone who could teach me about it. However, since I never knew any better, I never had the desire to learn more. I lived a life without God and that was okay.
Going to college changed everything. I was in a place with people who were different than any of the friends I had ever surrounded myself with. I found myself in a place referred to as the “Bible Belt.” Everyone I met had grown up in church and had some ounce of faith. I felt so left out and different. What was I missing out on?
At the end of the fall semester, a friend invited me to go to “Paradigm,” the college Bible study, with him. I went, and to my surprise, I loved it. I came back the next semester with an open heart and mind, ready to learn more. I wanted to know everything. I started reading the Bible with some friends and constantly asked questions. I even started going to Bible studies three times a week.
As time went on and I learned more, I became a much calmer person. I found peace in God and the knowledge I had gained. Having faith made me realize that everything was going to be okay in life. All the worries I had suddenly melted away because I knew He wouldn’t do anything if He didn’t have a plan, and He always did. Looking back on my years before college, I began to wish I had Christ in my life growing up. I went through many times where I needed Him. Although it seems like I missed out, I realized I had a relationship now and that was all that mattered.
On February twenty-first of this year, I really opened my heart and accepted God. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. After that, I continued to show my love and gratefulness to Him by being baptized and continuing to go to Bible studies to learn more.
Throughout the next few months, I made so many friends at church. I went to on a mission trip in March which only strengthened my faith. Throughout that week, I met the most encouraging and genuine people I have met in my life. They told me they were encouraged by me but I wasn’t sure why. They had so much more knowledge than me and I looked up to them as followers in Christ.
I’ve been told by many people that it’s amazing I came from where I did and decided to make a change now. However, I know that I am not the amazing one; God is. He is the one who opened my heart enough for me to let Him in. My life is different in the most amazing way possible. My desire to learn more and strengthen my relationship with Him will never cease.
2 Corinthians 5:17