It’s here again.
What, you may ask, is “it?” It, is the holiday season. It comes around this time of year, every year.
Halloween is but a brief moment, and then, “it” is here. Yes, we try to overlook the fact that “it” looms in the background of Thanksgiving, but it’s still there, casting its shadow over any Thanksgiving festivities we try to plan.
I actually love the holiday season! I love all of the lights, music, cartoons, and movies that only show up when “it” arrives. I do, however, take time to enjoy Thanksgiving. I believe that you can enjoy both holidays at the same time. Why not play your holiday music while enjoying dinner with family and friends, and enjoy remembering days gone by? After dinner, make a tradition of putting up the tree so family members can help. That way you’re not overwhelmed with all of the decorating yourself.
Thanksgiving means many things to many people. Most people today see it as a time to get together with family and friends to eat a large meal, watch football, argue over whether or not their team is better than the other, and just spend a day away from work.
How many people, I wonder, actually remember what this day represents? Do they remember what they were taught in elementary school those many years ago? It began as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and for the preceding year. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as a secular holiday as well.
What Americans call the "Holiday Season” generally begins with Thanksgiving.
So, with that little history lesson, we can now learn to accept that “it” is a normal occurrence, and that it really is okay to celebrate the holiday season and still give thanks on Thanksgiving Day. You won’t be disgracing the holiday by celebrating both.
Now, I want to tell you what Thanksgiving means to me. I can’t be with my family every year at Thanksgiving. I live six hours, one way, from my family. I do have my daughter and stepson close by, but they do their own thing with their created families.
I will be fixing a small dinner, making recipes that my mom had made for our family years before. My husband and I will enjoy football on the television, and maybe a nap or two in between. While some people will take this day to give thanks for the things that they have and were able to accomplish the following year, we choose to do this all year ‘round.
I do not participate in what is referred to as Black Friday! I tried that once and vowed to never again venture out amongst the crazed, in search of sales, knock ‘em out their way type of people that tend to go out on Black Friday! Instead, this year, I will be working. Usually, I have Friday after Thanksgiving off, but I was lucky enough this year to find a very good job. So, one more thing I’m thankful for.
All I’m trying to point out is, regardless of how you celebrate or don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, there are others that look forward to “it” as well. It, the holiday season, will be there for all of us that look forward to it each year! And I, for one, am excited! “It” is my favorite time of year! And It’s here!
So, while you’re enjoying your Thanksgiving dinner, just remember, have a little tolerance for those of us that enjoy what comes next! Also, everyone, please remember, be thankful that you are able to have that dinner, watch that television, enjoy your family, and whatever else you may be able to do on Thanksgiving, there are many out there that don’t have that luxury.
I will end this with a Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Holidays! And Merry Christmas!