"It's fine."
This is a phrase I hear multiple times in class each day.
A phrase I myself utter everyday of my existence.
I hear college students everyday say this when asked if they've gotten enough sleep, enough to eat, etc.
It's a phrase that recognizes things are not perfect.
We are college students. We are figuring out who we are. We forget things sometimes. We mess up. We get frustrated. We are human.
It's a phrase that unites us, no matter our major or background.
Unless you believe you're perfect, in which case, you've got bigger problems coming.
It's a phrase I hope I don't need all my life, but I can be content when things are just "fine". I know sometimes, people think when we say we are fine, we really are not. That could totally describe angsty, emotional me in high school. But in college, we really mean things are just fine. They're average. They're less than ideal. But we'll manage.
We will overcome our roommates not taking out the trash or us missing a tiny parenthesis while coding in Web Design. We will eat noodles for lunch and dinner, and not feel ashamed. We will forget an umbrella and walk home in the rain. We'll forgot about an assignment here and there. Maybe even make a few stupid decisions, drunk or otherwise inebriated.
We will accept things the way they are, for what they are. We will move on because we've got finals, tests, social lives and naps to be had. We've got our mental health and physical health to think of... if we don't forget that, too...
Otherwise, don't worry about it. It's fine.