"College are the best four years of your life!"
We have all heard this before at some point, whether it be on TV, parents reminiscing, or current college students themselves. These four years will be full of great times, yes, but they will also be full of lousy times. It's important to realize that college will likely not be the best four years of your life. If college has not been the greatest time for you, relax, that is okay. You have the rest of your life to look forward to.
For many, college has been years of constant stress and panic. It can be concerning to hear that these four hellish years are the best that life will give. This is not true. College will have some great moments, sure, but you will have a whole life full of great moments. If life during college has really sucked for you, that's okay. It just means that your greatest moments are still ahead of you.
Nobody can really pin down the "best years of your life". Very few people have a set of years that they would consider their golden years. If you calculate life by predicting the golden years, you might miss the other great moments throughout the rest of your life.
College doesn't have to be this time of constant wild parties and good times. If college has been filled with more then just good times, congratulations, you are realistic. Life can't always be great. If it was, the greatest moments wouldn't stand out. If your college years appear to be more stress from classwork or overall anxiety, please know that there will be plenty of great times over the next sixty+ years of you life. Your life has only begun.
It's perfectly fine if college is not the best four years of your life. It is completely acceptable if you believe that life's greatest moments have not yet hit you. There is nothing wrong with looking forward the great moments in the future. At the same time, while they may not be the best four years, cherish the great moments that come from college. College will leave you with incredible memories, regardless of whether they were great our lousy.
Life will never stop producing great moments. Don't stress about arbitrary best years nonsense.