October has rolled around, so it has officially become Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In the month of October, the topic of domestic violence is publicly recognized in a larger extent than usual. Too many people suffer from abuse and far too many of their cases go unnoticed. It is up to us, humankind, to put an end to this violence and to promote safety and peace amongst everyone.
Fortunately for me, I have never suffered from domestic violence so I am unable to say that I fully understand the trauma and torment that come with it. However, I have met individuals that have been victims to this type of abuse and from simply hearing their stories, I have come to sympathize for those that suffer from it and have become inspired to fight against it. Violence is never acceptable, whether it is from a romantic partner, family member, close friend or even a stranger. I don't care if your husband is having a stressful day and needs to "take out his anger" by pushing you or if your girlfriend is upset and decides to bring you down with her. Domestic violence can never be excused and nobody should ever be mistreated. Period.
If you suffer from domestic violence, I want to stress to you that there is always a way out. There are millions of people that want to help you. You are never alone, even if you feel like you are. Although it is frightening, I fully believe that you have the strength to leave the difficult situation that you're in. Even if you struggle doing so, you'll have the help of others to guide you.
You are never alone and you will always have a tremendous amount of support.