At least once in your life, you have probably heard the phrase “Money can’t buy happiness.”
Maybe you were excited about a gift given to you, or maybe you felt like splurging through retail therapy. That temporary happiness you experienced probably brought you joy that seemed like it would last a while. Now, when you think about the gift you received or the purchase you made a while back, does it still bring you the same amount of pleasure that it may have initially brought you? Are you still happy?
True happiness doesn't come from tangible things. It is a real emotion that is built up from little intangible experiences that make you the person you are proud to be. Being happy means you are accepting of the state you are in socially, mentally, and physically. In the experiences I have faced, I've come to learn that you really seek happiness on your own. You have to know what you want and have to know what your goals are. However, help can be provided to those struggling to find the joy. Having a strong support system such as family and friends can really stand as a breakthrough to get to the peace of mind you want.
True bliss is something you work for. Recovering from an event that may have seemed like your world was ending can be tough. You may find yourself feeling frustrated or so angry that your head is spinning or you cannot think rationally. Kicking and screaming may sound like the ultimate pain reliever, and I’m not going to sit here and tell you that staying strong and keeping calm is the only option you have. It is healthy to blow off steam and cope with your stresses. There are a million ways to find true happiness, and there are also many ways to deal with your anxieties. Crying or looking for help are not signs of weaknesses—they are disguised steps toward recovery, no matter how big or small an issue may seem. Music is one example of a universal healer that many use to cope while managing depression or anxiety. Music allows a chemical found in the brain called dopamine to be released. Dopamine is a chemical that induces pleasure and joy, and it can be set off by exercise as well. Any form of work out or physical activity also releases dopamine, and it has been scientifically proven to improve your mood. Another step to feeling better can be positive self-reflection. Stand in the mirror. Look at yourself for a few seconds. Remind yourself how beautiful you are. Remind yourself that good times are coming and the bad times don’t last forever. You can get through anything. Repeat.
Dwelling on regret will never allow you to move forward in life. Remember the past just so you can learn from it, and the future will be what you make of it. The present is the only thing you can change, and we're always learning new lessons through our own journey. You may seek happiness immediately, or it may take you a few months to move on from the situation you have faced. When you’re wholeheartedly able to find peace within yourself, you will come to the realization that life is never going to completely fulfill perfect standards or expectations. True happiness is accessible by anyone—it's all just a matter of time and strength.