Congratulations everyone! We survived the 2016 fall semester. Wow it has been a hell of a semester though, sometimes it felt like classes would never end and that professors were out to get me, but nonetheless I survived.
More shockingly, we all survived finals week. It was a doozy of a week. Could I have used a drink? Yeah. A self-refillable tub of ice cream? Oh, definitely. Coffee? I ran out like two weeks before finals even began, so yeah, it would have been nice. Despite the tough times of the semester, it was a really great first semester for me and hopefully for you as well!
There has been so much to think about and to consider throughout the last sixteen weeks. I’ve made fabulous friends since starting college in late August, and a handful were in my current major. Even though I’ve decided to change majors, these are people that I’ve connected with and that I’m still going to hang out and have fun with!
It has been a whirlwind since starting at Millersville, but so many great things have happened! I met people I consider to be best friends, I’ve furthered my skills in multiple classes, and passed a horribly difficult class! Not to mention my time management has become a hell of a lot better. I hope you succeeded in all your classes like I (think I) have. Between my multiple breakdowns and ice cream crying sessions, I still ended up surviving finals week. Actually, that was happening the whole semester but still having all your finals on two days is a nightmare.
Finals week? More like “Finals two days”, and that really sucked but I’m not alone with having one final right after the next. Congratulations everyone, we don’t have to worry about finals for another semester.
I’m curious as to how other people have changed since starting the fall semester because I know I’ve changed a lot. It may not be a visible difference, but there is a difference. I think we all deserve a round of applause for surviving the semester and kicking ass.