It's crunch time, and every college student knows this feeling all too well.
On the first day of classes each professor hands out a syllabus that lists all of your assignment, quizzes and tests. Most even explain the papers you have to write by the end of the semester. It's the first day of classes and you promise yourself you are going the to start the assignments early so you don't have to rush at the end of the semester.
Yet, here we are, a week before exams and you have four papers, three tests and five finals within two weeks, and you have no idea how you got to this point in time. You planned to have at least two of the papers done over fall break -- and that definitely did not happen.
It's harder than ever to write papers and study two weeks before exams because it's stressful and the light at the end of the tunnel is closer than you'd like to see.
You can do it. Every student in college is doing it. This happens every semester and you can get through it.
Here are some friendly tips that help me when writing a paper.
1. Change your font size to Times New Roman, 10-point font.
2. Don't double space until the end.
3. Try to write 400 words at a time because that is suppose to make a full page.
4. Once you think you have hit the page requirement, double space and make your font the appropriate size.
They're not life-changing tricks, but it tricks your mind and makes it less painful to write.
When it comes to tests...just study. Don't stay up all night trying to cram the material in your head. Get a decent night's rest and wake up early to study. It is definitely harder to wake up then stay up, but your mind will be fresh and ready to conquer the material. If it's a test of essay questions, and you have the essay questions ahead of time, write them fully out and commit them to memory. Maybe even try to make games or songs out of them so they seem a little more interesting.
Just remember, college flies by. You may be wishing for the semester to hurry up and end, but all that it means is that you are closer to the real world. Good luck on your end of the semester assignments, and good luck on your final exams. You can do it!