At the beginning of the school year, I was in no way ready to begin yet another semester of school. The stress of school work, obligations to my sorority, my internship, finding hours to work, and everything else that came with the start of school was in full force. On the verge of a mental breakdown I came to realize two things: I could either start the school year on a negative note or stress out about everything or I could take a step back, lighten up, and realize it’s not that bad after all.
Needless to say, I chose the positive route. Although my workload hasn’t changed, my attitude definitely has and I couldn't feel better about life. Now that I focus on staying positive and taking things one day at a time I feel much more hopeful about the rest of the semester and school year for that matter.
If you are reading this, I would like you to know that you also have a choice. you can choose to either be that person that everyone calls negative Nancy or you can decide to take control and live your life better. I encourage everyone to focus on the good rather than the bad. Think of the glass half full, say hi to strangers, and always remember that there is always tomorrow so don’t stress about today. Changing your attitude will without a doubt change your life.