When you When you can't, He can!When you can't, He can!When you can't, He can! He can!
When I say "I'm scared"
He says "Come here, I'll hold you tight..."
When I say "I can't, I'm not able..."
He says "You are, with Me..."
When I say "I am all alone..."
He says "No your not, I am right here..."
When I say "No one loves me..."
He says "I do, I died for you..."
Depend on Him,
Turn into His comforting embrace,
and trust His loving words!
When life brings you to your knees,
When its temporary glories fail to impress you,
When you drop your hands by your sides,
and you've hit rock bottom,
don't fight back and swing at life's revenge,
once again, run to Him,
and trust that when falling, He'll be there to catch you.