When people speak of love, time often plays a part in it. “It’s all about timing.” When you meet someone, the point you’re at in your life, time will tell if things will be right… but is this really the case? Does timing really matter? Does time play the most important role or is it the choices we make? From past relationships I often found myself questioning this, but just briefly. Now due to a recent incident, I find myself asking these questions every day.
There’s this thing that separates us from other species called: free will. We have the option to choose what we do with our lives. We have complete control. A person can choose who they want to be with and when they want to be with them. Sure, things can hinder someone’s choice to make them say it's bad timing. They’re in a relationship, they’re busy with work, family things happen; the list goes on and on… but is it not still a choice? To choose to continue to let those things hinder the love…
I once watched a movie about a woman and man falling in love, but the woman was still married. At first, they chalked it up to bad timing, but then the woman chose to leave her husband to be with her new found love. So was it not a choice? Or was it just the right time for them to meet?
I suppose, sometimes, there are people who are just not ready for love. Timing I think does fully play a part there. If someone is focusing on themselves or they just are not interested in finding that sort of connection, then things, of course, are not going to work out. If someone isn’t ready or interested in something, that’s that. However, what happens when someone peeks their interest? Does it still have all to do with timing and circumstance or do they actively start to make a choice to pursue this “crush” further?
I know I can recall a time where relations of that sort were of no interest to me, and one day I looked up from the ground and saw a man who would end up playing a significant part in my life – though I didn’t know it then. It felt as if there were strings pulling us together to meet and we had an instant connection both of us felt but couldn’t put our finger on. However, at first, I did not actively pursue. We slowly grew closer and things developed, though that feeling of being drawn to each other was there from the start. So was it timing? Did he walk into my life at a time I needed him? If things didn’t work out, was it not the right timing; or was it perfect timing and I needed that experience? Perhaps it was a compilation of active choices from us both that lead to our fate. Not timing at all, but just choices made.
Personally, I would say it is a combination of both. The more I’ve thought about it the more I believe timing does play a part in love, but so do our choices. You can meet someone at a bad time, but if you want to be with them, you choose to make it work every day. You choose to walk away or stay. Or you can meet someone at the right time and place, and it makes your choices easy.
I suppose, in the end, the answer to such questions depend on the person’s individual thought. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.