You’re lying in bed, scrolling through Instagram and your thumb freezes on a picture posted from one of your favorite fitness models, showing off their perfectly sculpted, fat-free abdomen.
You’re browsing through your Twitter timeline and that fitness-fanatic friend you have retweeted a workout video that looks pretty much near impossible. You’re flipping through a magazine and you pass through pages of fitness-related ads, along with an article about how to “get rid of that stubborn belly fat.” It seems as if no matter what we’re doing, whether we’re on the Internet, walking through the grocery store, or watching TV, we see something that has to do with becoming one of the fittest people on earth – or at least one of the fittest people you know. These fitness trainers and models that we see, men and women, seem almost unreal to us – how do they have these perfect abs and toned legs? What are they doing to get themselves to look like that? Why don’t I look like that?
The thing is, these models and trainers are absolutely beautiful people, and they’re undoubtedly healthy – but just because you don’t look like that doesn’t mean that you aren’t. You can look the way you are now and still be able to say that you’re beautiful, healthy, and happy – as long as you’re treating your body well. Just because you don’t have sculpted abs, fat-free legs, and tiny toned arms, doesn’t mean that you aren’t healthy. Your physical body doesn’t have to show that you’re healthy – your mind does.
Healthy (adj.): possessing or enjoying good health or a sound and vigorous mentality
This is the exact definition of the word “healthy,” found on the always helpful As you can see, nowhere in this definition does it say you have to look physically healthy or have abs to prove that you’re healthy to any person who questions it. It simply says that you have to possess good health and a vigorous mentality. It doesn’t even tell you how to possess good health or a vigorous mentality – that’s because that part is up to you. The definition of “healthy” is so extremely broad, yet we seem to make it so specific. We make it specific to the people that look like they hit the gym every day for 3 hours, eat a diet consuming of mainly vegetables and lean meats, and can lift more than we even weigh. That’s what we see as healthy nowadays, with not much wiggle room to see elsewise; however, this mentality needs to change.
You absolutely do not need to have abs to say that you’re healthy. You do not need to hit the gym every day. You do not need to completely cut out your favorite foods. You do not need to switch to salads and fruit for lunch, dinner and breakfast. You do not have to be able to run a 5K with ease. None of these things define healthy. Yes, these are all indicators that you are healthy, and if you want to go out and run a 5K or go to the gym every day or eat a very clean diet, then by all means go for it! That is amazing and no one should ever stop you from doing that. I’m just saying that we need to realize that people can practice a healthy living even if they don’t do these things. Now, I’m not saying that you can sit around and have an extremely poor diet, do things to hurt your body and not take care of your body or mind – that’s not healthy. But, what I am saying is that as long as we feel happy and we know we are treating our body and mind in a positive way, it’s okay to say you’re healthy. Actually, then you should say you’re healthy. Everybody should have their own personal definition of healthy to go by that follows along with the one given above. If you think that being healthy is being able to run 3 miles successfully, then strive for that. If you believe that being healthy is supplying your body with more fruits and vegetables, then strive for that. If you see healthy as focusing on a more positive outlook and mentality in life, then strive for that. If you find that the healthiest people are the happiest people, then strive for that.
Overall, the message I’m trying to get across here is that you do not need to look “fit” to be labeled as healthy. To be healthy, you just need to treat your body and mind well – you only have one body and one mind, so why not treat it well? Fuel your mind with positive, happy thoughts, and fuel your body with nutrients and activities to keep it going. Always treat yourself well – that’s a massive, strong foundation to build healthy upon.