Ithaca College isn’t known for it’s classic college looks. There aren’t any ancient brick buildings that look like they came out of a college catalog. We don’t have any ivy, and most of the buildings aren’t ultra modern. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some pretty cool classrooms, though. These rooms aren’t your average classrooms, where the most interesting thing is the fact that your desk rolls. Some have equipment you don’t find in high school, and others give students a different view of their surroundings while learning about writing. Here is a list, in no particular order, of some of the coolest classrooms IC has to offer.
1. The Basement Level of Park
With classrooms that range from an actual photo gallery to TV studios, the amount of equipment students get to play with (I mean learn with) might be the reason why there are so many TVR majors. Many of the rooms aren’t classroom so much as studios and sound booths. While these rooms are usually reserved for people with a major in TVR or cinema and photography, many of IC’s clubs make use of the studios as well. Most ICTV shows are filmed in the studios and the college’s two radio stations broadcast from the basement as well.
2. Smiddy 112
Located at the end of the hall on the first floor of Smiddy, this classroom features three walls made up almost entirely of windows. Talk about distracting. The room houses a variety of classes and the Peer Tutoring Center. So whether you’re admiring the beautiful weather outside or appreciating the winter from the warmth of the indoors, this room is perfect for wasting away class time staring out the windows. Just don’t forget to look at the board every once and a while.
3. Job 161
Located underground, this room has huge windows that look up at the walkway near the fountains. The room in big and surprisingly bright for being underground. Also, it’s who wouldn’t rather people watch than take notes from a powerpoint. It looks like the room has been renovated to accommodate dance classes, but hopefully in future semesters it will be changed back to a regular classroom.
4. The Trading Room in the Business School
This room was no doubt shown to you during your tour of the college. It's one of the few I remember seeing my first time at IC. The room’s stock ticker runs only half a second slower than the one on Wall Street. The room houses investment classes. Not only do students get access to real-world technology Bloomberg terminals and investment management software, but they can use it make investments with real money. Where do I sign up?
5. The Costume Shop in Dillingham
I’ve walked past this room so many times without realizing that there are actual classes held in it. Theater and non-theater majors alike have the opportunity to take classes on designing and creating costumes. Sounds like more fun than calculus to me. The room also functions as an actual costume shop, creating the costumes for Dillingham’s many performances.
Despite Ithaca College’s lack of ancient halls and grandiose architecture, the college has some pretty unique rooms that make classes a little more interesting.