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24 Items Every 20-Something Woman Should Have

We're at that age that certain items just need to be in our possession because, well, it's just time for us to grow up.


If you have a 2 in the front of your age number, this list will be your go-to if you are feeling like you are lacking on necessary items.

1. ChapStick 

I have used multiple kinds of lip balms or moisturizers and none of them make my lips feel as great as ChapStick does. I highly recommend getting a pack such as this to put in your purse, backpack, and at home.

2. Hoop earrings

Hoop earrings can take an outfit from great to fabulous. The added simple accessory brings along the boss lady vibes as well.

3. A great mascara 

Even if you aren't that into makeup, a great mascara will make you look more awake with just enough effort to feel more pulled together. My absolute go-to is Bad Gal Bang from Benefit, but if that price cramps your style, there are alternative drugstore options that still do the trick.

4. Black leggings 

These suckers go with everything and are such a staple for your wardrobe. They come in all different materials and styles and keep you comfortable all day, every day.

5. Gum/mints 

This is included for obvious reasons. You don't want bad breath!

6. Favorite pair of sunglasses 

These are important especially for the summer, but they will also just be another simple accessory that touches you up.

7. Lint roller 

We all have unwanted hair (pets or ours) that gets everywhere as well as fuzzies and the like. A lint roller will keep your clothes looking nicer for longer with a quick sweep.

8. Dry shampoo 

Greasy hair and multiple days without washing your hair is inevitable. A quick spray of this stuff will have you looking all fresh again. Some don't have the best smell so snag one with a scent that's more like a fragrance.

9. Handheld steamer 

Ironing can be a pain and just takes up too much room. A little steamer is portable and way easier to use.

10. A jacket that goes with everything 

Find a jean, leather, suede, or teddy jacket with a neutral color to make your outfits pop in the cold.

11. First aid kit 

These guys come in portable packages that have anything from band-aids to medicine. You never know what could happen so it's a good idea to have this handy.

12. A pair of jeans that make you feel like a boss lady 

No one said these had to be skinny jeans. I personally have been moving towards the straight leg, mom jean, and flares. These styles just work better for my body and make me feel more confident. Find ones that you fell you could conquer anything in. Don't forget comfort!

13. Closed-toed heels 

Dates, interviews, work, formal events, and more will be what you need these for. A neutral is the route to go so that you can use them over and over again.

14. A tote or purse

The older I get, the more I stick in my bag, and the bigger my bag gets. I love a bag with pockets and zippers to keep everything organized.

15. A dress for any formal event

There are going to be many events throughout your life that you will have to wear formal attire for such as weddings, funerals, work parties, and more. Buy a modest style that could be worn to a variety of these.

16. A planner  

I have no idea how people stay organized without a planner. There's just too much going on and to remember during this time of our lives, so keep yourself in check.

17. Lounge-wear 

Who wants to come home from work and not have a pair of stretchy pants or an over-sized hoodie to relax in? Get yourself a cute matching set or cheap staples from Goodwill or Target.

18. Face cleanser 

Skincare can never start too early. Take care of your face with cleansers at the least, but I also suggest a great moisturizer.

19. Tiny scissors 

These could be used for anything from cleaning up your crazy brows to cutting a snag off a sweater without pulling the whole item apart.

20. Self-tanner 

Winter stinks when it comes from getting Vitamin D. A mitt will be needed as well to create a flawless finish.

21. Good quality lotion 

Not only do our bodies need moisture, but a good lotion will intensify your perfume's scent.

22. Hair styling tools

All hair is different and need different tools. A diffuser is great to enhance curls or add volume. The basic flat iron and a curling iron should be in most everyone's possession.

23. Nail file/polish 

Broken nails and added shaping will require a nail file at some point. If you don't get your nails done, keep a basic color on hand to keep nails fresh.

24. Work/interview outfit 

We ALL will have an interview at some point. A blazer and pants combination or pencil skirt and blouse should be included in your closet. These items aren't always cheap so visit places like H&M, Target, and Old Navy to save some money.

Getting into the adult world can be scary, but at least now you'll be more prepared for what's ahead.

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