Whether it's the first time or the fourth time you're moving into college for the fall semester, you want to cover all of your bases and pack up your entire room so that you're prepared for any possible situation. Now that it's mid- October I bet you're realizing that there are plenty of things that didn't need to make the trip.
1. 16 pairs of jeans
Let's face it, you wear leggings 5/7 days of the week anyway. 4 pairs would have more than sufficed.
2. All of your makeup
80% of it has gone untouched, right? Next time, just pack your everyday makeup and leave the fancy stuff for weddings.
3. Your entire shoe collection
How many times have you worn your nicest pairs of heels on campus so far? None. What about the 7 pairs of sneakers you had to pack?
4. A Keurig and 100 K- Cups
You just bought coffee everyday, didn't you? It's just dusty and taking up space on your desk.
5. 18 blankets
It's not even really cold out yet. 1 or maybe 2 blankets is plenty.
6. 10 Pillows
Do you even make your bed ever? They're probably just on the floor.
10. Tons of dresses
It got to fall temperature pretty quickly and you didn't want to wear a dress anyway.
12. Every shirt you own
You just don't have room for it all or ever wear half of it.
13. Copious school supplies
A few pens and a notebook for each class is fine. Leave the paperclips, push pins, stapler, and binder clips at Staples
15. Lots of jewelry
If you wear the same earrings and bracelets everyday at home, why did you think that would change at school?
We've all made these mistakes, haven't we?
Shoutout to my twin Michelle for helping me with these ideas!