Of course, when it is the week before Thanksgiving and we're all barely making it through classes because we can't wait to go home, I get sick again. And, of course, the health center is packed on Friday so the next appointment they have for me is Monday morning. But, of course, my body can't wait that long, and so Sunday afternoon I start coughing up blood (I was a little freaked out, as you could probably imagine).
The earliest I would be seen at the urgent care was 9:25, and this all happened at 3 in the afternoon. I had a bunch of time to figure out my ride, and pack a bag because I know from experience trips that turn into going to the ER can turn into quite a long adventure. We only spent a little over four hours there, but it was more than enough to be draining. So, with the threat of Thanksgiving and general holiday-related injuries upon us, and for any students like me where this is your first medical crisis when you're far away from home, here's my list of stuff I recommend bringing to the emergency room with you.
1. Your insurance card and driver's license
I feel like this should be a little obvious, but if you want medical treatment they need to know you are who you say you are, and that someone can pay for all the stuff they might do.
2. Water bottle
For you or your ride. Unless they tell you to not eat or drink in case they have to do surgery or something.
3. Glasses (if you wear contacts)
You're going to be there for a while. Your eyes will get tired.
4. Go in comfy clothes if you can
As I said, you'll be spending a decent amount of time there, you might as well get comfortable.
5. Know your general medical history
Have you ever had any surgeries? If so you should probably know what they were and a general idea of when they happened.
6. Phone Charger
Someone's phone WILL die. It's better to be prepared.
7. Snacks
For your ride in gratitude of them taking the time out of their day to drive you. They probably won't let you as a patient eat, sorry.
8. Homework?
Depending on how much pain you're in, how much work you have to do, and how forgiving your professors are, sometimes it's not a bad idea to at least take some work to do. Because you will be waiting. A lot.
9. A sweatshirt
Exam rooms are a little chilly.
10. Bring a friend
Sometimes the only ride you can get has to just drop you off but if you can find a friend or even just a person you know more than just from seeing them in class two or three times a week, it might not be a bad idea to have someone go with you. Dealing with all the medical stuff on your own can be scary, especially as a new college student and having to go to these things without your parents for what is probably the first time.