I can't wait to create my future classroom and make a home-away-from-home for my students. I've already started considering what I want for my classroom and doing some research on the subject - this is just a peek into what I'm hoping to include.
1. Portable Easel PadsÂ
Portable easel pads can be used for so many things - anchor charts specifically! I also like that these are big enough that all of my students can see what is going on. Throw in some markers and this is a very inexpensive way to bring the whole class together for a group discussion.
2. Sharpie Markers
Following up - these are the markers I love to use for anchor charts! The Sharpie Flip Chart Markers with the bullet tips are awesome! Obviously, any markers will get the job done, but I do really like how these ones write.
3. Scented Ink Pads
I've found that the students I've worked with so far love the idea of having the smelly stamp on their hand as a reward for completing a task or winning a word game. I'd never thought about it before until one of my CTs told me about it. This pack has seven different scents!
4. Stamps
Following the scented ink pads, here are some of the stamps I love!
"I Can" https://www.amazon.com/Learning-Resources-I-CAN-St...=sr_1_3?keywords=stamps+for+teachers&qid=1582208746&s=industrial&sr=1-3
Positive Reinforcements https://www.amazon.com/DECORA-Rubber-School-Teache...=sr_1_10?keywords=stamps+for+teachers&qid=1582215654&sr=8-10
Fun character stamps https://www.amazon.com/Teacher-Stamps-Stampmojis-Stamp-Set/dp/B075MJ6YGC/ref=sr_1_21_sspa?keywords=stamps+for+teachers&qid=1582215654&sr=8-21-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyNVY3MUYySk1YMVdBJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTMzNjgyMlc4U1hUU0gzMksyQyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNjMwMjA0MU5JQldRR0syQ003MyZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX210ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
5. Educational Stamps
Like this blank clock: https://www.amazon.com/Center-Enterprises-Digital-...=sr_1_10?keywords=stamps+for+teachers&qid=1582208789&s=industrial&sr=1-10
Or this one for money: https://www.amazon.com/Center-Enterprise-CE103-Heads-1-Stamps/dp/B00XCHE1IU/ref=sr_1_11?keywords=stamps+for+teachers&qid=1582208789&s=industrial&sr=1-11
6. Caddy Organizers
I love the idea for my future classroom to have groups of tables/seating with caddies at each table so that my students always have what they need readily available to them.
7. Drawer Organizers
I love these drawers for organizing small group materials!
8. Fidgets and Flexible Seating
There are so many possibilities when it comes to these items, but here are a few I have on my list:
Fidgety Feet: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072V51DHL/?coliid=I3SQL...
These soft stool seat set: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XPMDXZZ/?coliid=I1SBP...
Laptop stand: https://www.amazon.com/ECR4Kids-Portable-Laptop-St...=sr_1_4?keywords=flexible+seating&qid=1582238149&sr=8-4
Rockers: https://www.amazon.com/American-Plastic-Rocker-Chi...=sr_1_56?keywords=flexible+seating&qid=1582238251&sr=8-56
Tangles: https://www.amazon.com/TANGLE-Set-Jr-Original-Fidg...=sr_1_73?crid=308KQMEGAA0MW&keywords=fidget+toys+for+classroom&qid=1582238343&sprefix=fidget+%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-73
Fidget bands (for chairs): https://www.amazon.com/Stretchy-Resistance-Concentration-Classroom-Ameliorate/dp/B07HNT81HL/ref=sr_1_97?crid=308KQMEGAA0MW&keywords=fidget+toys+for+classroom&qid=1582238343&sprefix=fidget+%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-97
Obviously, there are so many things out there for a classroom - the list goes on and on! As an upcoming first-year teacher I've just began compiling my list and this is just a glimpse into it!