Going to college, you might know one person, a few, or no one at all. Either way, you are going to a new location, on your own, and you have to figure out how to get through school while balancing meeting new people and having a good time. When I first came to school I didn't know anyone, which had me worrying all summer that I wouldn’t meet anyone I would get along with. Because of this I made the decision to go through recruitment, but that was three weeks into the first quarter. Fortunately, my roommate was awesome. Because of this, her and I did everything together right from the start. It seems like this happens for everyone during the first few weeks, because you are living in the same room and it is easy to latch onto them.
We met a few other people and we did most things with them, but realized they weren’t people we wanted to be surrounded with on a daily basis. Honestly, going out helped us make friends. I know this scene isn’t for everyone but it opened us up to a whole group of people we would possibly get along with. It so happened we met three other girls who ended up being the perfect friends. Friends may come and friends may go, but freshman year is a time to find who you are and find your place.
Fast forward to recruitment, the most nerve-wracking time of my freshman year, where I met so many girls it was impossible to remember them. This was one of the most memorable experiences of my freshman year, and I would recommend it to every girl out there. It so happened my roommate and I were in the same sorority, which made sense because we got along so well. After bid day I began to get closer to the girls in my pledge class. Although I did not make best friends my freshman year in my pledge class, living in the sorority house next year will be so fantastic and bring us closer together.
Overall, in my freshman year I made three life-long friends and met a whole bunch of other people. I can only hope for an even greater time to come next year with living in my sorority house, new classes, and a whole new outlook on college.