I know it’s tough sometimes, to love yourself in world that can seem so loveless. It’s hard to love yourself in a world that tries to put labels and standards on beauty. It’s hard to love yourself in world that seems to care more about what someone looks like rather than what they are like. I get it. It’s hard.
But it’s worth it.
Learning to love yourself is like learning a new language. It’s uncharted territory for most of us. And it’s difficult to break years of habit where we diminish our accomplishments and emphasize our faults.
We are trained that we are validated if we are accepted by those around us; that we are validated by someone else loving us. This is a toxic cycle. And it needs to end. If you’re looking for validation in places other than within yourself, you will end up disappointed and disheartened. The inability for someone to see your value does not mean it isn’t there. Someone else’s opinion of you does not determine your worth.
And in a world where every ad, Facebook post, magazine article, etc. is hyper-focused on love, it’s easy to think that this is what will make us happy.
“10 Steps to Land the Guy of Your Dreams”
“5 Things to Stop Doing if you’re Single”
“16 Ways to Let Him Know You’re Interested”
This is the wrong kind of love. This is not how you find happiness.
Happiness comes from within. Happiness comes from being completely at peace with your soul. It comes from knowing that you are whole. We are all individual people; whole people. People that look for their “other half” are not going to find the happiness they deserve. People are not halves. Putting two people together does not make either one whole.
When you are able to be whole, all by yourself, that’s when you can love yourself and accept love from others. Two people together cannot make one. That is simply bad math. When two people are together, they remain two separate people that compliment each other in every sense of the word.
So, be whole. I dare you. Live a life that you love; live your best life. Find songs that make you feel something. Read books that make you think. Visit places that make you feel alive. Do things that your soul will thank you for.
Learn how to be completely and totally in love with yourself, and your life will love you back. Take care of your mind and your body. And then you can let someone else in.
This is a long process. It’s a conscious decision you make every day to love who you are and live a life that serves you. So please, stop doing things that make you sad. Stop hanging around people that suck the positivity out of your life. Stop living your life for other people. Start living your life for yourself.
If you don’t know where to start, take this with you when you go:
I think you’re great and you deserve everything this life has for you. I know telling you that doesn’t really do anything. You have to believe it for yourself.
If you figure it out, come and tell me about it. I love watching people fall in love with who they are.