As humans, we encounter bad things, have sad days, and less than great life events. But that doesn’t mean our whole lives have to be terrible, or that we have to be miserable. Bad days and sad things are not reasons to treat people badly.
It isn’t impossible to be nice to another human. It isn’t hard to respond in a kind manner when someone asks a question — even if it is slightly foolish to ask.
I do understand that when having a bad day, it can be difficult to feel like being nice or kind to others. But when people live their lives and constantly are in a state of anger, annoyance with others, and mistreatment of them, it’s not something that can or should be tolerated.
I’ve met plenty of people who have their off days, when they are in a bad mood and have little control of their tongue or attitude. I have also met people who 24/7, 365 days a year (or as long as I’ve known them), have been rude to people merely asking a question or responding to something.
There is no need for that. Not for constant put downs to other people, whether outwardly or in the tone of voice they answer with. Nor with ignoring people who thank them, or deciding to just be horrible to those merely living their lives.
You don't have to be happy all the time. You don't have to always be cheery and full of hope.
But if you act badly towards others, you're poisoning their lives and days with the result of your circumstances. They don't deserve that, and you don't have the right to be the death of their happiness in their day. Don't let your life events kill the kindness left in the world. You can be better than that.
We CAN do so much better than that. Kindness can spread if we just focus on being better people towards other people.
Just be KIND. I know you can.