The results of last night’s election are disheartening for many Americans and non-Americans alike. I am not going to lie. I am scared. I am scared of the horrible things that Trump could do, I am scared of the Republican majority in congress that could help him, and I am scared of the millions of voters that allowed this to happen, and are now proud of it. There are millions around the country who are proud that the future president of our nation spews hate, ignorance, and bigotry. When given the choice between perhaps the most qualified candidate in history, a woman who inspired and empowered millions and preached love over hate, and a hateful, discriminatory, candidate who has never held a political office, we chose the latter. We may feel defeated, exhausted, and terrified. We may feel cheated and upset with the system that allowed Trump to win the presidency while Clinton won the popular vote. We may feel scared, not knowing what rights will be taken away from us. However, the most important thing we can do, that we must do, is to spread love and kindness, and to stand up for what is right.
We need to show love to those around us. With a president elect who will undoubtedly espouse hate and inequity through his words and future actions, we cannot do the same. This summer I worked at a camp in New Hampshire. At this camp, I was a part of hundreds of children and adults from different races, nationalities, genders, economic backgrounds, religions, and more. We got along beautifully, and each Sunday we shared with each other stories of our shared humanity. Everyone at that camp was a positive force of light. It is people like the people I met in the woods of New Hampshire this summer that make me know that hope is not lost. There are so many kind, compassionate, love-driven people in this world, and we will push history in a better direction.
We cannot only show our kindness and compassion on an individual level, but we must collectively stand up to fight for our rights. Trump has pledged to defund Planned Parenthood. He wants to take safe, affordable, approachable healthcare for women, away from us. He wants to appoint Supreme Court justices that will reverse Roe v. Wade, and eliminate the right to safe abortions. In the past, Pence expressed his will for money to be taken away from HIV/AIDS patient support, and for that money to be directed into gay conversion therapy, including shock therapy. When our rights are threatened, we must fight back. When Trump wants to ban Muslims from entering our country, we must fight back. When Trump proposes his infamous wall, we must fight back. It is our responsibility to protest, organize, and fight, to show the nation that we do not stand for hate, but tolerance.
Yes, I, a young, mixed-race, gay woman who voted for Clinton am terrified for the next four years. But more than that, I am hopeful. I am hopeful that people, young and old alike, can see this election as an embarrassment, and never let something similar happen again. Through our forces of positivity and demands for equality, we can elect a progressive, qualified, equality-minded president in 2020. Right now, we can stand up for our rights, show each other that we do not tolerate hate, and teach the children that we know that hate is not our future. In this upsetting and terrifying time, when so many of us want to leave the country, check out of politics, or give up entirely, lets show Trump, Pence, the new Senate and House, and all that voted for them, that we will not give up.