There is only one thing in this whole entire world that truly controls us and that is our mind. Our mind is a scary but fascinating place. Something that is housed in one place but has control over a whole lifetime that could be as old as a hundred years, that's a remarkable thing. Now the key is that it is your mind so not one other person in the world has direct access to it but you so the choice of sunshine or rain is all your own.
You know when everything in life is going right? One of those times where nothing could possibly get better, where things are all looking up, where a smile is plastered along your face, those are the times that you should enjoy thoroughly. Instead of enjoying them, though, we instead find a place in our mind where its dark and it seems to be always be raining and we convince ourself that something bad is bound to happen. Our mind becomes scary, it becomes a place where we get trapped and lose ourself in thinking that happiness is short lived and not for a lifetime. We begin to ruin the bit of sunshine that our life has brought upon us by believing that it is just too good to be true. But why? What is the reason that you believe this can't stay this way? I bet there is no other answer than something along the lines of "because thats just how life works". To walk around expecting it to rain all the time while the suns out is just our own minds stopping us from truly living for what we have. We begin to take away our humanity by becoming zombies of sadness, not phased by anything, looking at everything in a gloomy aspect. Sure, life isn't fair all the time, but when it is, why expect it not to be? There is no one in the world that could convince to you that everything is okay, the only person that can convince you is yourself. It is okay to be okay.
Instead of getting lost in our mind and choosing the path of a dark place where the sun doesn't shine, we can always go the route of where it does. Truth is, whether we have twenty years or one hundred, life is just too short. We are given the beautiful gift of being alive and life taking it's twist and turns is just a part of the journey we are given. But, the end goal of life is to live it to your potential, and to live to your full happiness. When the sun is shining bright and the forecast is clear, you have no reason to worry for rain.