It is OK to hunt. Hunting is a way of life for some people. It is how they get food for the year and keep their family alive. For others it is a sport, and that is a lifestyle they wish to have. All the anti-hunters need to brush up on their facts before they go chew out someone for hunting. Hunting has been a part of my life since I can remember. My grandpa was a game warden for more than 20 years, both my parents hunt, my siblings all hunt and I hunt. It is something I look forward to every year. Even if I end up not using all my tags, it is still the best season of the year. I believe that there are three main reasons why hunting is important.
1. Quality time with friends, family and yourself.
Not only are you hunting with family and friends, it is a good time to have to yourself. Being in the outdoors with no cell phone service and learning to find your way is great. I love hunting with my family, it is so fun and great bonding time. Going out with friends includes a little more chatting, but at least we are outside.
2. Respect.
Hunting taught me how to have respect for wildlife. I learned that killing them fast and humane is a sign of respect and that using all that I can for meat and such is the best way to harvest an animal. I also learned respect for animals when I don’t shoot anything. I learned that they are faster and smarter than they look. They out hunt the hunter more often than not.
3. Managing wildlife.
Hunting is a great way to manage wildlife. Hunters help keep the populations from getting out of control while sending money to help Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks by buying tags. Hunters regulate the herds and hunting predators helps the prey’s herds increase in number.
Hunting has always been a part of me and I will never change that. I don’t question why some people don’t hunt so why question hunters? Eating beef or chicken from the store is way worse than hunting for your own food. At least I know where my meat comes from. I will never be sorry for being a hunter and more people should look at it in a positive way.