It's 4:00pm on a Saturday.
It is a beautiful day to walk around and enjoy the weather, a perfect 68 degrees, not too chilly and not too hot.
However, I am writing this post from my bed.
The only person I have spoken to was an employee at Baskin Robbins and my roommate.
To most people, this would be a terrible day. But to me, it was pretty spectacular; that may make me an introvert, socially awkward,shy, lazy, you name it.
But I am here to tell you, that sometimes, it is okay to spend time alone.
At first, the thought of staying home in bed was dreadful. DC has so many things to do, so why "waste" my time dwelling underneath my covers?
But this past month, I have realized that any day I can spend resting is a day that should be treasured.
College is hard, especially first semester; from the crazy workload to the sudden independence and responsibility to having to make friends again, it's all so time-consuming and exhausting. I have pulled more all-nighters than I can count on two hands and I have worn the same pants for a week straight.
That is why days like today are important.
It is important to allow your body to catch up to the crazy, fast paced life you are living.
I have to remind myself every weekend that I have 3.25 years left at GW; it is important to take the first semester with the biggest adjustment slowly. It is okay to not hangout with friends every weekend and it is okay that I would rather spend the day in bed, than enjoying this beautiful weather.
It seems a little strange I know, especially coming from someone who absolutely loves people and human interaction.
I like to consider "loving others" my greatest strength and my worst weakness.
I put extra effort into showing people how much I love them, and I easily get saddened if it is no reciprocal.
I constantly worry about scaring the people I love the most. I can come off very clingy and needy and there will definitely be a sense that I love you, more than you love me.
But it also means I give massive hugs every time I see you. It means having your phone attacked with cute texts and snap chats daily. It means a billion compliments a day, until you believe it yourself and you know much I care for you. I would go so far as giving a limb of my body if someone whom I love needs it.
I do love people too much.
That is why alone time is one of the most important ways that I manage to remain sane and keep sharing all this love.
It makes human interactions so much more exciting. Whenever I see anyone I know, I give him or her the most massive hug possible.
I actually get asked all the time why I am so excited, my only response is “I have spent all day alone and I am just so happy to see someone today”.
Take for example today, on this lovely Saturday afternoon, I literally just sat in bed and ate cookie dough powder from the bag today.
And you know what? It was liberating.
But the moment I saw my roommate come through the door, I jumped and gave her the biggest hug possible.
Furthermore, rest is important. It leaves you feeling refreshed for the week.
Also, being the last weekend before thanksgiving, what better way to prepare spending time with family, friends and your dog?