My generation is obsessed with dating. I feel like it is so hard to be single because everyone is obsessed with dating and having the status of “taken.” It seems like everyone is scared to be by themselves or for other people to see them alone. I have been single for three years, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The reasons why I am still single are because I’m young, I won’t settle, and I have my whole life to date. I don’t date the first person that comes along and neither should you. The reason why you and I are single is because the right person just hasn't walked into our lives yet. One day you will meet the person you are supposed to be with. Just because everyone else has someone doesn’t mean you should feel bad about your self or crave a relationship. Stay single as long as you can until that person you know in your heart comes along.
I’m not saying don’t go on dates; go on dates, lots of them! Be free and young, and go out with someone. Take a chance! Even though that person might not be your person or you might not be their person, take a chance. Don’t rush anything; don’t take it too seriously. If you take it light then you will not expect much to make everything easier. Only go on dates with someone fun and that you know either you will be friends with or have an interest in. Like I said, just don’t expect anything. The reason why you are probably still single is because you pressure yourself to do anything to make it work. You don’t take dates lightly. Have fun, and be yourself!! You probably are going on dates with the wrong people. Don’t go on dates with people that just play games. You are only going to play yourself.
Everyone has a person. Do not jump into a relationship because you are sick of being the only person that is single. Why settle? There might be someone out there who will treat you ten times better than the guy you settled for. It is OKAY to be single, so stop asking yourself why you are single. Have fun with yourself. Get to know yourself, and let it naturally happen. I promise you will not stay single forever. One day a person will take your breath away, and then you will have the reason why you have been single. I know it is hard, but love yourself enough to realize it is okay to be by yourself for a while. The right person will come, take chances, but always know it is okay if it doesn’t work out.