Throughout my teenage/20's life, I have always had the mindset that 'everything will always work out." My grades, my relationships, my life-anything would always just play itself out for the best. I have been very blessed to posses that mindset. In MOST cases, it makes life easier.
In the midst of my college career, I suddenly find myself worried, and sometimes, I feel almost stuck. A career is a big choice-something you'll have to "live with" most likely forever. The power and pressure to choose said path can often become overwhelming. This I know from experience.
It's difficult to think that grades don't define you, when right now, they really do seem to. It's also quite easy to develop a pessimistic attitude whenever you've reached your fifth cup of coffee during a painful all-nighter. I know we have all had many. I have been to two colleges, yet here I am, still struggling.
I know what I want to be when I grow up. At least, today I know. That is okay. When we're young, our mind is so playful. It desires and loves so many things. How annoying is it that we have to be so realistic when it comes to choosing our career? That is one thing I hate being- a realist. However, if you are a realist- that means in some ways you are stronger than me. In some ways, I am stronger than you. That is okay, too. If it were up to me, I would literally play with homeless dogs and little finger monkeys as my career. Unfortunately, that is not the case. I wish it was.
What I am getting at is that it is so easy to become frustrated at this stage of your life. On many days, it will seem like almost nothing is going your way. An F on a paper or a disorganized room can break you down. Trust me, I know. We are young. People change their minds every day- and that is a beautiful thing.
The stress does not end here. Life doesn't become easy once you graduate or get a job. Even though that sounds bad, instead, it is encouraging. No one has it all together, some people just pretend better than others. However, the way you handle your obstacles sets the tone for your life. Nothing can really be that bad.
You are the pilot of your own life. You call the shots and you make the choices. Most of all, love what you do. Be passionate about your passions and be courageous in your decisions. Take leaps, even if you think you may fall. Have conversations even if you feel you may be rejected, and believe that every day is a step in the right direction. It isn't the end of the world. Convince yourself of that.