It is the best way to describe it. If there was a word to sum it up under, we would have to choose green. Yes, perhaps, the band Coldplay already did the color thing with their hit song “Yellow," and maybe Taylor Swift did it with “Red," but maybe they are truly onto something. It is a means in which to describe the vague, to speak of the things that are indescribable and sometimes far too beautiful to use strings of words for. If we are honest, right now, the only way to speak of it adequately is to call it green.
This time of year brings winter, and with winter comes the ice and wind. It shows up with snow in hand and colors the outside in shades of white and gray. This season is often entirely too cold and biting. Winter makes me think about the what was, the ache that runs as deep as the perpetual chill of winter. It is as if you find yourself sliding into a snow drift without a good set of winter tires to help you out.
Yet, as the snow seems to overstay its welcome, below the surface, something is coming. Underneath the chill and the whitewashed world is something new. It is growing and expanding, extending and reaching. Quietly, so as not to be extinguished, tiny leaves are slowly waiting to emerge. Little bits of green are becoming strong. This is the warmth after the long winter. It is the old becoming made new.
Green is full of life. It is filled to the brim with laughter and affection. There is a tenacity that accompanies it, as well as excitement from which to draw upon. It is like the moment before two lovers kiss or the sweet relief and exhale a musician feels after they have played the first note. This is something new and brilliant. It is the splash of vitality that pushes away the gray and beige. Green is a vibrant fresh start, trust, and no more broken hearts.
Bold and Brave
It is the color I see in my head. Green is the signal to proceed. It is the opportunity to be brave and to lean into is being laid out in front. Sometimes, the green looks yellow, and that is okay. Some see the winter as too long, but the reality is setting down roots takes time. Yet, even in those worries and ideas, it is there. New life, the brave new beginnings they are all the valiant, bold color of green.
Green has become the color of possibility. It is the opportunity to extend wings and become strong. For the first time in a long time, there is a glimpse of a future and as the band OneRepublic so beautifully worded it, “the future looks good”. This is the first step down the path, the endless list of beautiful what if.
Life is all coming up for air and showing itself as green…..and oh my…
there are so many beautiful shades