Everything changes but change itself. -- John F. Kennedy
Sometimes you get
“stuck” in life. You don't feel passionate about anything. You
adopt an inability to see a purpose for the mundane tasks in life.
You lack all motivation to accomplish anything. This is a pretty basic scenario of
what can happen when you repeatedly do the same tasks all the time and become particularly use to it. I know I have been feeling that way for a while now, but fortunately, I know where to start to become “unstuck..”
Change. It's
important. Some people despise it. Some, like myself, love it.
Throughout life, change is vital to our well-being and general
success of life. Always remember, stagnancy is your enemy.
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” -- Henry Ford
From little things to big things, you should try new things.
For example, I recently cut my hair. I've always loved my hair and said I would
never cut it short.
Ever. I honestly thought I meant it. But over
time, my hair became dry and the dead ends were terrible. I realized that if I wanted my hair to be healthy, I would need to cut it and start
over. After cutting my hair, I felt different. My hair had been long
since I was 14. I am now 19. It was something new, but I knew I needed
it. Of course, that is an example of a very menial thing. But even the
little things matter.
Life changes are so necessary for mental, physical and spiritual growth. You need it for growth and evolution.
If you're spending time with someone who negatively impacts you, remove them from your life.
Speaking to the college kids: if you're majoring in a subject you aren't passionate about, then find something you are passionate about. Only you can find that major, that's related to a career you can effortlessly spend your life doing and loving every minute of. You must go out and find it by trying the things you haven't before. Shadow a doctor. Build a robot. Volunteer at a park.
What made me want to
cover the topic of change is that I've noticed way too many
people who aren't satisfied with themselves or their lives, but they
don't do anything to
change it. I just want them to know that change
is not only OK, it's amazing.
“Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It's your masterpiece after all”. -Nathan W. Morris