Every year when people ask me what I'm thankful for I never know what to say. So this year I thought I'd think ahead of time and write them all down.
1. My Family
This may be really corny but it's true. My family are there for me no matter what. I can't even make the joke that they have to be because they're my family because there really is no truth to that. There are plenty of people who are abandoned by their family and I am lucky enough to not be one of those people. I am especially thankful for the reaction I got from them when I came out as bisexual. There are some people who aren't as lucky as to have a family as accepting and loving as mine so I am extremely thankful for that.
2. My Friends
Another corny one but with everything I have been through I wouldn't have made it without my friends. The few friends I have are the people who love me despite the fact that there is really no obligation on their part to stick around. I have friends who have pulled me up out of depression, who have encouraged me through my education, and who encourage me to love myself every day. They make me feel loved and like I'm worth something and that is definitely something to be thankful for.
3. Anyone Who Makes Music
I am not picky when it comes to what kind of music I listen to. I'f I like it I like it and that's pretty much it. But music is very therapeutic to me and something I need in my life to help me recharge. I don't know what I would do if there weren't people out there making the music I listen to at the end of every long day.
4. Dogs
Need I say more? Anyone who knows me knows that I am obsessed with dogs. They too are therapeutic for me and I love everything about them. I have been terrorizing my mother telling her that I am going to get her a puppy for Christmas -- and when I say terrorize I mean she actually almost cried -- but I'll have to settle for the dogs belonging to friends and family members this holiday because if I bring home a dog while I still live with my parents my mother might actually kill me.
5. Every Mistake I Have Ever Made
I am definitely the kind of person who could be having a perfectly pleasant time and then suddenly I think about something I did wrong six years ago and I crumble into a puddle of anxiety. Despite how cringe-worthy these memories may be I know that every mistake I have made or bad thing that has happened to me has shaped me into the person I am today. Everything happens for a reason so I am thankful for those experiences because I feel like they have made me a better person in the end.