I have been there. I have been there sitting on the bathroom floor crying my eyes out as the shower runs over me. I have been there sitting in class feeling like I want to throw up because everything is just going so wrong. I have been there spending hours on the phone with my mom complaining to her about everything going on in my life that was hurting me. Trust me, I know, it sucks... But feeling like you don’t have an out or nothing is getting better can’t be any farther from the truth. Whether it is a situation at work, or stress at school, or money or relationship problems, there will always be complications. However, everything is going to work out in the end. You will have "up" days and "down" days but that's how life works.
One of my closest friends told me when I was at my worst that “it always gets better, and it’ll all work out in the end, and if it's not worked out now, then it's not the end”. Those words alone give me so much hope for my life and a drive to be the best person I can be. Let those words fuel your life. Let those words be the very reason why you work so hard in your life and let those words be your sense of hope in this world. We have things in our life that knock us down, but when you fall down just remember that you will always get back up, no matter how long it takes.
Think about it, the sun rose today and it will set today. It will rise again tomorrow and set again tomorrow. It's not over. You have time to make your life so much better. Sure, things might be rough right now and sure, some situations may be totally out of your control, however, you have control of your own life. You have every right to make the other aspects of your life that much better. Don't like your job? Look for another one. Don't like your major? Switch it to something you like better. Keep fighting with your significant other? Do something about it! Most times, we just sit here and watch our lives be taken advantage of and stepped all over. We are totally and completely able to change different parts of our life, but we need to willing to make that change if we can.
As far as the aspects that you can not control, don't stress. I know it's easier said than done, but why are you stressing if you can't control it? Everything has a way of working itself out without our knowledge. You are going to be set free and the pain will disappear. The bad things in your life won’t be so bad anymore. They will just turn into memories, but you have to remember that you are strong enough to get through anything. All you have to do is realize the aspects of your life in which you can change, and change them, and for those aspects that you can't change, remember "every storm runs out of rain."