If you've studied agriculture at Illinois State in recent years, you may be able to relate to a few of these experiences.
1. Having back-to-back classes in Ropp and Stevenson.
That's right, the university obviously did not take into account the poor agriculture students when they made the 10-minute break between classes. Better book it, or just be late everyday.
2. "Where is Ropp at?"
Telling anyone who is not an Ag Major that you have class at Ropp, only for the inevitable explanation that we are "that tiny building by Hancock." Ropp also just happens to be strategically cropped out of all photos of the stadium.
3. You've probably had numerous heart-to-hearts with this amazing woman.
Dr. Rhykerd may be the chair, but we all know that Kathy really runs the department. We could all go on for hours about why she is the absolute best, but it all comes down to the fact that we couldn't imagine our lives without her!
4. You most likely know someone in Sigma Alpha.
5. And someone in FarmHouse.
6. You've probably listened to Russ talk about his horses a time or two.
One thing is for sure, that man loves his horses. But hey, horses are pretty cool, and Russ is a great guy.
7. "Why is there a tractor on the quad?"
Whether it's National Ag Day or a "Where's the Food Without the Farmer?" day, it's always interesting to hear what people have to say about our quad takeovers. Bonus points if Captain Cornelius is there!
8. Trying to get an advising appointment before registration like:
A growing department is always interesting. Thank goodness we have two advisors now!
9. You probably own this jacket:
Or at least know about 50 people who do.
10. You've most likely been to Ag Career Day multiple times.
Most of the time for class credit, but it's still a good experience.
11. Trying to register for classes outside of the Ag Department
Submit override request, get waitlisted, contact department, contact professor, pray that you get in and graduate on time.
12. You've been to a few pizza parties here.
This tunnel in Hancock is the ideal place to feed the whole department. Let's just hope it isn't too windy!
13. Mr. Agriculture was the highlight of the spring semester.
14. You may have spent a freezing night or two in a barn.
Calf watch is a great way to earn credits quickly, and who doesn't love spending a night at the farm?
15. You can't imagine being anywhere else.
Being a student is not always easy, but the amazing people at Illinois State make it all so much better.
The Illinois State Ag Department is my home away from home. I am so thankful that I have met these amazing people. Having somewhere that you can wait to get back to at the end of the summer is a really great feeling.