When you just want to make some spending money in high school, or even college, it seems like the options for you aren't really all that glorious. To work a higher paying job, you need experience. But, how can you get experience to work these jobs if you've never even had a job before? I know many people in my life currently that I have met in college and that I knew in high school often worked at grocery stores, fast food restaurants, and clothing stores.
No one really ever talks about how much they love their job; I have because I work in a coffee shop and, honestly, coffee is one of my favorite things ever. But that's beside the point. It seems like we need money, and we can complain about the jobs, but yet, we stay with them.
I have been thankful to have some of the best coworkers. People who listen to you when you need to rant about problems, people who hang out with you outside of work and make you feel welcomed, and people who make a busy shift not so terrible. When one thing goes wrong, you never know if something else is bound to go wrong as well. Having people around you that make you laugh can help you forget about the bad parts of the job and can help you focus on the good.
Coworkers also make some of the best friends and confidantes. You can vent about life, and they'll give you their honest opinions. You can tell them about the drama going on in your life, and they'll listen. You'll get to know your coworkers, and they'll get to know you.
If you feel like you're stuck at a job that you hate going to, or if you're working a job and feel like you could do better, but you need this job in order to gain experience, make the best of the things around you. I have worked at the same fast food restaurant for three years. Do I love it? Not all the time. Are some days harder to be motivated to go than others? Yes.
Although the jobs I have worked aren't exactly what I picture myself doing for the rest of my life, I am trying to make each day worthwhile because not only am I getting paid, but I am actually making memories along the way. Some days I don't want to get up early or work late, but knowing that I will share laughter with those around me helps make it worth it.
Make the best of the job you have. Talk to someone new, and get to know those around you. Coworkers can be friends and can help create a more positive work environment for you. Sometimes the job isn't the best, but your coworkers can be.