As a recent college graduate their is nothing that I am more sure of then the fact that my life is rapidly changing. While my life is changing for the better, for me change is nothing short of terrifying. They say change is necessary and inevitable and that may be true, but it doesn’t make it any easier. If you are at a point in your life where nothing is certain and you don’t know what your life will be like next week let alone next month, or next year, their is something that you can look to for comfort; no matter where you end up it will be exactly where you need to be. Cliché? Maybe, but sometimes the only thing that can get you from day to day is knowing that no matter what happens, nothing will happen that isn’t a part of your journey.
When change starts to take place whether it is brought on by you, or if it is just transitioning from one stage of life to the next, you have to embrace it. Change happens so that life can happen. If nothing were to ever change then your life would be the same day over and over repeating, forever. You have to get through the uncomfortable stages of change that are completely out of your comfort zone. Things like going on job interviews, moving, and ending friendships/relationships, can be incredibly uncomfortable and awkward but do you know what is more uncomfortable and awkward? Fast-forward five years and imagine seeing yourself in the same spot you are in today, still working at that dead-end job because you never put yourself out there and went on job interviews. Imagine never reaching your full potential because you are afraid of the unknown.
You have to put yourself out there knowing that you may get rejected and you will be just fine. Rejection sucks but it won’t kill you. The most successful people I know have been rejected from opportunities more times than they have been awarded opportunities. That just means that you have to keep trying until someone believes in you the way you believe in you. All it takes is one opportunity and one chance to bring you closer to your dreams then you could ever imagine.
Wasted potential is pretty much a crime (well maybe not, but it should be). If you are holding yourself back from your full potential because your fear of change is REAL, know that the size of your fear doesn’t even measure up to the size of the success you are capable of but are willfully neglecting. You are the only thing that stands in your way from reaching places that you have never been.
If your fear of change is interfering with your life take the time to get to the root of exactly what about change scares you. It could be an experience, a person, or a place that made you decide you weren’t worth the opportunity to pursue your dreams but, you are worth it. You weren’t born to just exist, you were born to live your life to the absolute fullest. Make sure that when you look back on your years here that there was life in your years and not just stability and fear of the unknown. Change will take you down roads you have never been and to places you have always been destined to see, stop fighting it.