It's an unspoken societal rule that women must shave, wax, or do something to remove all hair from their bodies. But in 2018, some women are choosing not to. It's honestly a personal preference nowadays, yet women who choose not to shave are often judged for their decision.
Now I really don't care how you choose to manage your personal care, I'm just here to emphasize just how expensive hair removal products are. Because really, it's insane.
SO, LADIES (and gentlemen), here are all the things you could be buying with the money that you spend on hair removal.
*If a product is listed with a price range instead of one direct price, the comparison is based on the average of those two prices.
Leg Waxing ~or~ 7 Large Cheese Pizzas From Domino'sĀ
On average a leg waxing can cost anywhere between $45 to $100, while one large cheese pizza from Domino's is only $9.99! Meaning you could get 7 (or more) for the cost of leg waxing!
Bikini WaxĀ ~or~ 4 Months of Netflix
An average, a bikini wax ranges from $35 to $45, while one month of Netflix is about $9.99
Where are your priorities?
Underarm WaxingĀ ~or~ 6 Extra Servings of Guac at Chipotle
Prices for an underarm wax can range from $11 to $14. With all that money, you could be living a life of luxury, consisting of not five, but six extra servings of guacamole at Chipotle.
Full Body WaxĀ ~or~ An Alexa-Echo DotĀ
A full body wax is, on average, about $65. Which honestly shocked me. But let's talk about the fact that you can buy an Alexa - Echo Dot from Amazon for $49.99 WITH free shipping. That's less than the average cost of a full body wax.
Eyebrow WaxingĀ ~or~ 10 Slurpees
An eyebrow waxing can range from $7 to $10, which doesn't sound bad at all for Zendaya-like eyebrows. But, with that money, you could buy 10 Slurpees from 7-Eleven.
Eyebrow Threading ~or~ Two 20pc Sets of Silverware from Target
Let's be real. You've been using the same two forks since you unpacked your apartment. Well, with the money that you'd spend on an eyebrow threading, which is on average $20, you could spoil yourself with a nice set of cutlery.
A 3 Pack of Sensitive Skin RazorsĀ ~or~ 17 Cups Of Noodles (Single Cups)
I love Ramen. You love Ramen. We all love Ramen. It's tasty. It's fast. It's filling. So when you are spending $6.97 on a pair of razors that may or may not leave your legs covered in razor bumps, just know, there's a store full of Ramen calling your name.
Nair Hair RemovalĀ ~or~ 3 McDonald's Cheeseburgers
A chemical filled lotion made to burn off all hair from the surface it is applied onto, Nair has been a more affordable, do-it-yourself, friendly alternative to salon waxing. One bottle of Nair is about $4.49, which, is equivalent to the price of three McDonald's Cheeseburgers.
One Intuition Razor with the Renewing Moisture Rim ~or~ 5 Large Iced Coffees from Dunkin Donuts
Now I won't lie, that renewing moisture rim is Nice (with a capital N), but at $15, I question whether the purchase is worth it or not. I mean, with $15 you could buy yourself five large iced coffees from Dunkin Donuts. It's your choice though.
A Pair of Tweezers ~or~ 8 Original Glazed Krispy Kreme Donuts
These two metal sticks used to pluck hair from skin strand by strand can be valued between $4 to $9. Meanwhile, an original glazed donut from Krispy Kreme is only .99 cents.
I hope these price comparisons were eye-opening for you. And, I hope you just take a second and think, what's really worth my money?
Dear Black People, Stop Saying The N-Word Or Stop Getting Upset When Other People Use It