Omarosa Manigault-Newman claims to have tapes that might bring down Donald Trump once and for all but can she be trusted?
The Tapes
Omarosa says that she heard a tape of Trump using the N-word multiple times on the set of The Celebrity Apprentice. Sweet, let's wrap up this article and call it a day!
*Sigh* of course it's not that simple.
Omarosa hasn't played the tape on TV, or shown it to anybody, or put it up on YouTube.
Instead, she goes on TV and says that she definitely heard the tape, like for realsies. Y'know the court of public opinion is more easily swayed when you bring in your evidence.
However, she's not completely without ammunition. She recently released a tape that she had made of her allegedly discussing the possible existence of the tape with Katrina Pearson who admits "he said it." She released this tape just after Pearson denied the conversation took place. Unfortunately, this three word sentence doesn't really prove or disprove anything, but it gives her a shred of credibility.
Speaking of which...
Both Omarosa and Trump have credibility issues. She has taken every opportunity to advance her career and personal brand, no matter the cost to her believability and Trump is a liar.
These two are snakes that have gotten tangled up in each other. They are going to attack and attack and drag each other through the mud until someone separates them and crowns a winner. The will be secondary to this.
Is Trump Racist?
From what Omarosa has shown so far? No. But as this story unfolds, some new evidence might be revealed to the Court of Public Opinion. Soon, we may find out that he's a horrible racist, a bigot, a Klan member, etc. and then we will label him as such. But nothing will change because the bar for "too terrible to lead" keeps getting pushed lower every day.
Because if we're asking if he's racist and ignoring the fact that he is a terrible person in almost every other way, then we're missing the point. He has lied to the American public, threatened violence against his political opponents, and has been directly and legitimately linked to collusion against the United States. If you can overlook that just because he doesn't care about skin tone, then you have missed the point.