Dating nowadays can be directly related to the card game known as “Bullshit.” You place your cards face-down following suit to the pattern of the cards. One, Two, Three… Jack, Queen, King etc. Lay them down face-down, call out what you claim to play, and wait for someone to call you out on your “bullshit.”
Let’s just say, I’ve been dealt one too many bad eggs out there, and have learned my favorite one liners that I now call "Bullshit" every time they're said to me. Well, almost every time. I mean, hey, I guess there are special circumstances out there, right? I'm sure some of you women have been played the same way and dealt the same excuses, so see if you agree with the ones I call Bull on.
1. I’m emotionally unavailable right now.
Emotions are a natural instinctive state of mind that happen from outside forces of which you have no control over. I’m sorry, if you’ve figured out how to turn that off, please share how with the rest of the class.
2. I just don’t deserve you.
You know… if you’re thinking that I could do better - Why didn’t you just be better?
3. We’re just having fun.
4. I’m not ready for a relationship, but I’d like to see where this goes.
Defined this means, “I just want to see if I can get in your pants.”
5. I’m just not ready for you.
Code for: I still haven’t gotten over my “playing video games in my underwear, drinking beer and eating week old pizza” phase.
6. I like you but –
If the word “but” ever comes after those words, then you probably don’t actually like that person. Just saying.