2016 was...quite a year. Aside from the Olympics and the "Brangelina" split, turmoil and racial tension were at an all time high in 2016. Whether it was the frequent cases of police brutality or the VERY controversial Presidential election, race always seemed to find its way into the conversation. I never questioned this until one of my friends brought up the topic of playing the race card. But, Is there really such a thing as "playing the race card"?
Some of my friends said that they felt like the black community is quick to play the race card in situations where it is inappropriate. I was shocked to hear this. I was very surprised to hear black people saying that other black people bring up race too much. Is it wrong for black people to assume that race plays a role in everything after being on the disadvantaged side of American history? When you look back on the struggles black people have faced in this country (i.e slavery, Jim Crow laws, segregation, etc.), race has almost always been the reason for it. So it is obvious why black people may feel like the color of their skin is the cause of their mistreatment. While I am fully aware that not every situation involves race I think that when it does, and it is made very clear that it does, it must be addressed.
I guess there is such a thing as playing the race card and maybe the black community is quick to pull it, but the sooner race stops playing such a large role in our lives, the sooner we can stop blaming the color of our skin for every misfortune.
I want to know what you guys think about this topic. Do you feel like the "race card' is played to often or do you think that race really does affect every aspect of our daily lives? Please share your thoughts below!