It is Pride Month! This entails lots of pride flags, acceptance and, of course, straight people trying to make it all about them.
Do you notice a common trend that people in positions of privilege always wonder why they don't get celebrated? Why is there no International Men's Day when there's a whole day for women? Why is there no white history month when there's one for black history?
How come we keep oppressing people (and have for nearly our entire history as a country) and then THEY get a holiday all about them but we, on the side of privilege, get NOTHING?
Well, guess what? You DON'T get nothing! You...
... Get to walk down the sidewalk hand-in-hand with your partner without fear of being taunted.
... Get to express your sexuality in school without being relentlessly bullied.
... Get the comfort of knowing most people think you'd make good parents to a child because one of you is a female and one of you is male.
... Get (and have always gotten) the right to marry the person you love.
... Get to post lovey-dovey photos of you and your partner without people asking how they'll explain your love to their children.
... Don't have to worry about being taunted, assaulted or even killed for loving who you love, or being who you are.
... Don't have to deal with your sexuality being the butt of jokes.
... Get to have relationships and make expressions of love that are not something people don't want to tell their kids about.
... Don't have to wake up in a body that you don't feel any sort of connection to and not act on it because you're terrified of the reception.
... Don't have to wait until you get home to go to the bathroom because you don't know which one people will be less upset at you for using.
Put simply, you may have a tough life. You may have problems. You may have been bullied. But NONE of those problems stem from the fact that you are a cisgendered, heterosexual person. Your sexuality and gender identity put you in a place of privilege.
We don't have a month celebrating Straight Pride because we don't need it. Historically, countless people haven't died because they kissed their opposite-gendered partner in public. 20.8% of hate crimes are committed against people because of their perceived sexual orientation. LGBTQ+ youth are three times more likely to consider suicide than heterosexual youth. 2017 alone saw the murders of at least 25 trans people.
The LGBTQ+ community has seen a history of violence forever, both in the United States and abroad. Being LGBTQ+, for many people, is enough reason for hatred or violence. It took until 2015 for the government to agree that gay people should have the right to marry one another, and people still disagree.
The LGBTQ+ community has gone through — and continues to go through — an incredible amount of negativity that straight people will never face due to their sexuality. To celebrate straight pride in the same way LGBTQ+ pride is celebrated is to negate everything that they have gone through and equate the two. Pride is about more than just being proud of who you are and the strength it took you to get there.
It is a commemoration of all those who have been lost just trying to be who they were. It is a celebration of how far the community has come, and a reminder of how far we still have to go.
Straight pride does none of that. And as straight people, we may not get a month where we're the center of attention, but we get a lifetime of feeling safe, comfortable and accepted because of the way we were born.
And I'm SURE the members of the LGBTQ+ community would prefer that. I'm sure they'd rather their sexuality be a non-issue and have nothing to do with the way they are treated and perceived than have Pride Month.
But that is not going to happen at the rate we are going. So for the love of God, let them have their month. Let them have a month that gives them empowerment and love and acceptance and hope for the future.
And be happy that you don't need it.