As a part of a collective whole, humans are tasked with one reality: to live.
While in theory living may seem easy, many of us need purpose. For some, their purpose is to live a good life. Others have a specific goal.
Difference is beyond face value; we are all physically different, but some of us live very similar lives. We can all relate to each other in some way or another.
Though for me, I feel a driving force that just doesn't seem to have enough horsepower to get anywhere. I feel a fire in me that is waiting to find a way to spread. I feel an innate challenge, an ever-present constant in my life that just wants to create something.
Is this my inherent difference? To make my life a bit more meaningful? To differentiate me from others by creating something?
I can't help but wonder if this is a driving force for others as well. I want to make something tangible so dearly, but I cannot seem to get the gears churning. I can't find the oil to get them running smoothly. There exists a barrier in front of all the things I want to do. A wall that everyone knows exists, but no one really thinks about until they're faced with them.
I want to write a book or novella, but I haven't had some revelation as to what it should be about. I want to develop a game, but don't want to learn the engine and complex coding that I don't understand. I want to make music but haven't yet learned basic music theory nor keyboard.
I know these are all reachable goals, but every time I devote time to them, they seem to fall apart. Yet the fire within stays lit. I still feel that urge to create.
So I wonder, is the strive for difference inherently human?