“Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”Romans 12:2
I have a little confession for you…
The first thing I flipped to this morning was not God. I did not consider praying for struggling friends and family. I didn’t take time and rejoice in the fact that I had opened my eyes to a gift, the gift of life that I had taken for granted so often.
Nope, I went straight to Facebook and clicked on my bright red notifications. If they weren’t about something I had done I skimmed over them and popped over to the much-coveted comments about my work.
After reading the two that were there I launched over to Instagram… did I achieve any more likes overnight? Oh, wow… her insties always hit 23K whereas mine are around the 50 mark. Balderdash.
I tapped on over to my Gmail. Certainly, many treasures would await me there. Wrong. After scrolling through fifteen generic, subscription emails and answering one of great importance I hesitantly set down my phone. Time to face the day, as it was, not as it was depicted on social media.
I reluctantly drug myself to the mirror. Blemish. Blemish. Crazy, hairy eyebrows! Ack! If I didn’t have facial hair issues like this. if I hit the gym more often…. If I had started an acting career earlier on I would have a name for myself by now but no, here I am at 24, having gotten nowhere and look at that… look at that! Was that a zit?
Ew… Jimmy Fallon style…
After pulling myself away from my reflective “bestie” I looked into our office. There sat my faux black chair, my bible and a reminder of what I needed to do. It was something I really didn’t want to do. There was too much to accomplish. There were too many things to nitpick. That day, it was just another something that was required of me and I didn’t want to do it.
Thankfully, I was aware of the fact that feelings do not indicate reality and really, this was going to be the best move I could take in the game plan of my day. I knew this because it had been my experience many situations previous.
I sat down on the floor, completely wiped. I was exhausted by my inadequacy and shamed by my lack of willpower. There was little I could say except, “God, please be present.” It didn’t take long for His warmth to wash over the confines of my heart. It was the feeling my dry soul needed so desperately. A well deep within me broke. My Father was bringing me home, close to the volcanic passion of His heart.
“Continue Katie. I am listening.” So I did.
“Daddy Please fill me with Your peace. God, I am so sorry for allowing things in my life before You. You really are the only One who truly satisfies me. Please forgive me for taking control over my life when You are the One who has destined me for particular niches. You designed me. Please lead me. I love You.”
“I forgive and love you with all my heart Beautiful Daughter.”
As I spoke, warmth exploded in my chest, filling me with a renewed sense of purpose and plan. “My God, please help me remember how powerful and delightful You are. Please help me recognize the fact that Your love will never wane. You are I AM, the God whose love is so much better than all the “pleasures” found in this life.”
Sigh… home.
Learning to spend time with Him and listen to the love language He speaks over us is the most valuable thing we could ever do for ourselves. Let’s keep in mind this fact as we do so: He doesn’t want us to carve time so we can appease Him (who are we kidding? He doesn’t need us to make Him happy!)
With that being said, He is more worthy than we’re able to calculate and no, we are not able to give Him all the praise He deserves because we don’t have the capacity to do so. He is much too good, too holy, too perfect for that.
In His grace, all He asks is that we give Him all of us, our dreams, passions and pursuits. He also asks that we give Him the best of our day, our precious time.
These things are requirements as He wants to see us filled with joy and incredible peace. He wants to see us live lives of freedom, delighting in His presence more than the things that won’t satisfy and will eventually fade to nothing.
If we want to lead lives filled with peace, joy and freedom let’s remember to do the most important thing possible, give that time to God, seek His face and don’t neglect to read His Word.
In my continued pursuit of drawing closer to God and His holiness I will be focusing on this scripture today. My friend, I urge you to do the same:
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8-9
With much Love,
K.L Pezzutto