Stressing over exams? Projects? Homework? Grades? Sleep? What you’re going to eat for dinner tonight? Where you’re going to live next year? How to balance your long list of things to do?
If you answered yes to any of the above, this article is for you… You’re welcome.
Here's a puppy falling over
Here's a puppy that hasn't quite figured out that he's not a bunny
Here's a puppy playing Peekaboo
Here's how it feels when all of your exams hit you in the same week
Here's what it's like trying not to drown in all of your work
When you finally go to fall asleep but remember you still have another assignment
Here's puppies exercising for you because you probably don't have time in your schedule to do it yourself
When you pull an all-nighter but still try to look nice for class
Wishing I was as content with life as this puppy
When you finally make it through the week and have time to relax
But then you get super excited because it's the weekend
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