Scorpions attack by stinging, stunning, and devouring: just as racism has attacked our society since the beginning of its construct. Scorpions are unique in that they can easily travel under the radar, whether it be due to their well-adapted color or specific means of travel. Scorpions travel on the ground and unfortunately, like racism itself, those of us unwilling to take the time to look down and objectively observe our surroundings, will not see the ensuing danger. In a sense, even those of us who are aware of scorpions and their threat to our well-being, can choose to ignore them and continue our own paths, as long as we are not personally threatened. Racism is the same way. It is an ugly, dangerous, and powerful creature that can catch us off guard and strike within seconds, leaving tragedy in its wake. The shooting last year at Mother Emanuel AME church is a prime example of the rapid, deadly, and finite power of racism. Racism struck, and within hours, formally recluse groups like the Ku Klux Klan began to come out of the shadows and raise money for the shooter, tout confederate flags, and ultimately basque in their own venomous hatred.
Just like scorpions, racism is resilient. If we take mediocre steps to rid the world of it, it will survive, multiply, and plague us in an seemingly endless cycle of pain and despair. It will try to survive at all costs, and will strike when most threatened. During the height of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s, racism was not fully quelled, but rather smothered. America recognized the threat, but unfortunately did not fully exterminate it, thus leaving remnants to remain over 50 years later in 2016. School segregation, policy brutality, and a broken criminal justice system are just a few of the remaining drops of venom that the beast of racism has spewed into our society.
Racism and scorpions are both dangerous pests that are equipped with camouflage, venom, and the dangerous potential to cause harm to those of us too afraid to act. In my opinion, we should rid ourselves of both of these dangers in the world. Immediately.