Fast food, fast fashion, fast shipping, etc. What is all this fast life about? We as consumers are so impatient, always wanting things right away. We live in a world with one-day shipping, with fast food, and with fast fashion. But why? Why do we need all of these fast paced things? I'm not asking for a slow, boring or slow paced life but why is it necessary for everything in our lives to be so fast?
We jump into relationships, jobs, and basically everything. I’m a fashion major and once I came to college, I realized the truth about this idea of fast fashion and how its hurting our environment. Everyone wants the new and stylish piece of clothing so what happens with their old clothes? Maybe you donate them to Goodwill but even Goodwill cant use it all. So now these clothes cant even be sold at Goodwill where do they go? A landfill. Landfills and landfills of clothing just because we want the newest and shiniest thing.
This fast fashion is just one aspect of the fast paced life that seem to be effecting us negatively. Sure its nice to get your shoes you ordered online the next day but its not necessary. I’m sure you can wait a few days to receive your shoes. I’m also sure that we don’t always need the new shiny toy but instead maybe we vamp what you have now, be creative, DIY those old jeans. Today we see so many companies recycling and these old clothes we donate are being used for other things now. Recycling is great in general for our environment. However when we are filling more and more landfills there’s only so much we can do and only so much time to recycle.
So fast fashion has negative consequences but what else does? Fast food is convenient but awful for our bodies. Again, another bad thing coming from the fast paced life. We live in a world with restaurants like Swenson’s and Sonic where the waiters run to our cars and run with our food. I never understood this, why are we making people run? You may be in a rush but its not necessary to run, you can wait an extra minute or two so this poor worker doesn’t have to run all the time.
I am guilty myself of wanting things right away and being impatient. However, I’m learning myself the skill of patience and how that affects my day to day life. I have the idea that the world would be a better place if everyone had a little more patience. There might be more love than hatred in our world if patience was a common skill.