I want you to do something for me. Close your eyes, and describe the perfect partner for you. How they look, their interests, their job: whatever you want.
Let me ask, did this perfect person have different views than you? Do they disagree with you on political matters? Did they not like your favorite bands, the same food as you, not have the same values as you? In all honesty, I doubt it.
I'll even admit, in describing my perfect partner, they definitely have the same values as me, and sharing a hate of Donald Trump at least.
So, what I'm asking is, are we inherently looking for people who are like us? I mean, there is a reason why there are dating sites, where the matches are based on common interests.
I'm bringing this up because it seems like we live in a society that promotes the idea of a "soulmate," and total monogamy. We find one person who somehow fits completely with us, and who we stay with forever. And of course, one of the most common questions is, what qualifies a good match, or a long lasting relationship?
I started asking whether or not we look for people who are like us a few years ago when I had a friend tell me that he felt that his perfect match would be the female version of himself. I further looked at my past relationships, as well as my friend's, and asked myself why they didn't last necessarily. A lot of it was because of a change in feelings, and because many values and interests didn't match. I used to joke that my first boyfriend didn't last because he didn't like the Beatles, in contrast with my obsession with them.
Some studies even argue that we are attracted to people who not only are like us but look like us.
In a 2010 study, people were shown pictures of strangers and asked to rate their attractiveness. The stranger's faces that were morphed with pictures of the tester's face were considered more attractive, in comparison to a normal face.
Yet, at the same time, does finding a person who is like ourselves lead to a long-lasting, healthy relationship? Or is it even possible?
I was looking through the Internet, to find articles that even ask the question of what makes a relationship long-lasting. If you do the same research as me, you're just going to find a bunch of articles that tell you the same, cliche things. But in the end, I will answer the question of what makes a long-lasting relationship: communication.
In my experience, and from the experience of others, the reason why a relationship doesn't work most of the time is because there's a lack of honesty between two parties. Furthermore, I've talked with friends who have been in long-term relationships, and they found that if their partner had the exact same interests as them, it would just get boring, and it would be like they were dating themselves.
So in the end, I guess what I can conclude is that in the search for love, although we are attracted to those who are like us initially, a lasting match isn't completely determined on common interests alone.
Maybe we initially do because we feel that the only way for a person to get us is to understand the weird things we like. Yet, the only similarity that matters at the end of the day is if you two like each other and are willing to stick together.