Donald Trump has without a doubt become the biggest topic on most social media platforms since his campaign started. There is no way to log into Twitter or Facebook, turn on the television, without being reminded of something Trump has said, done, or is doing.
Quite frankly, I find Trump to be rather amusing but not particularly in a good way.
Truly this guy does not even try to be funny, but I find myself eye-rolling and laughing at everything he does, whether it is the video of him drinking water (if you haven’t seen it do you a favor and watch that) or trying to pronounce Puerto Rico. As the holiday season approaches and I can’t get away from hearing about Donald Trump, I am sitting here thinking about how he is undeniably like the drunk uncle at family gatherings that leaves everybody somewhere between uncomfortable and slightly amused.
For one, both are out of control president and the out of control uncle have absolutely no filter. I mean we have now heard Trump speak poorly of our own citizens, people of other religions and mock disabled reporters, clearly words with no thought nor platform behind them, the same way we have all heard our uncle bring up his poorly backed political opinions in the middle of dinner and attacking anybody who does not agree or points out a flaw in the argument a “ridiculous liberal.”
Strikingly similar in the art of attacking anybody who remotely disagrees with them but the worst part seems to be you cannot argue with them because like the saying goes, you can’t argue with an idiot. Trump's comments about his daughter and women, in general, are eyebrow-raising, to say the least.
Realistically, we all have the uncle who says eyebrow-raising things about women and makes you remember why you only talk to him on holidays.
Let’s play a little game called where we guess who said what, the drunk uncle or the 45th president of The United States!
1. “Grab her by the pu**y…”
2. “If she can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?”
3. “26,000 unreported sexual assaults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?”
4. “It must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees.”
If you guessed Donald Trump for all of these, congratulations! Although I could have thrown a couple quality uncle quotes in there, I just could not stop with the Trump quotes and sadly this is about 4 out of 1000 cringe-worthy things he has said about women.
A personal favorite of mine is they both have the whole “You’re in America, learn to speak English” mentality. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but um, there is no official language in America and the best part is Trump, as well as uncles across the country, have butchered the English language about 450 too many times.
You’d truly think that Mr. Trump would have somebody to check his tweets before he sends them out, but apparently that would make way too much sense, I mean nothing is sensical about 2017 in his defense.
Some favorite English errors of mine are “I ain’t no liberal” which is…wow… the most drunk uncle thing I have ever heard followed by a close second of Trump spelling “unprecedented” as “unpresidented.”
At least he tried to sound it out?
Or spelling “their” as “there” and “wasted” as “waisted.” Come on, my 12-year-old sister has better grammar than that. Frankly, I could go on and on about the mind blowing and uncanny similarities between them, but the point has been made.
Both Trump and intoxicated uncles are armed heavily with opinions, a loud voice and terrible grammar, the holidays are a time to remind you why you stopped turning on the news and do not call your uncle 364 days out of the year.