“The Best things come to those who wait.”
This phrase we usually heard by parents or grandparents maybe when we were little and wanted that new toy or those new pair of shoes that didn’t fit just right. Then, our patience and understanding that if we waited just a little while longer, we might get something even better, was probably nonexistent. We would get mad and throw tantrums and resent our parents or grandparents for holding us back and not giving us what we thought everybody else had. But what we didn’t know was that they knew the new toy would soon be replaced by something bigger and better and those new pair of shoes would be worn once and thrown to the side because they didn’t fit us like they should.
This happens not only as a child, but probably even more in adulthood and you just might not even realize you’re doing it. Every day, especially in the lives of young adults we see things, things that we want, that we wish that we had, etc. You see the girl who is getting all the internships while you struggle to figure out your major, the couple in the perfect relationship while you seem to be the world’s most qualified single lady candidate, the guy who drives the brand new car while your car’s battery just died. I know from my own experience, that by seeing all these things, you think, "What am I doing wrong?"
But the problem with thinking that way, I realized is, is that not only are people different in shape, size, personality and race, each and every person has a different path. Each person has different dreams and aspirations that they are on a course to complete. It isn’t a competition to see who can land the biggest internship, or a race to find the perfect boyfriend. Each person’s path has different hills and turns that leads them to wherever they’re going and to make them perfectly complete. You were made and designed for specific purposes that may take five minutes to fulfill or five years. No one knows, and that’s the beauty of it.
God designs different people for all different reasons. He gives what us what He knows we need all in perfect timing. He, like our parents and grandparents, can see just a little farther down the road and see that if we wait, keep moving forward, and use the gifts and talents He gives, we would land the internship that could lead us to a job of a lifetime instead of just a mediocre one, if we didn’t settle for just any person that gives us attention, we may find our best friend and have someone who will love us wholeheartedly without question, and maybe He even knows that if you got that brand new car right now, you would probably destroy it anyways.
He knows us perfectly and knows exactly what we need to be successful. Because if you think about it, some of life’s greatest experiences and opportunities that happen are those that happen after you’ve worked so hard or wanted something so bad and they just kind of land in your lap.
So before you see all these things that other people may have right now, and think that you need to play the “catch up” game to win the race or win the competition, have faith that if you do what feels right, things will fall into place. They will be individually hand crafted for you and they will be perfect. Because as the wisest people say, the best things come to those who wait.