First off let me say the system has failed to bring justice. Rape is not a joke. It is serious. It is a crime that affects the victim physically, mentally, and emotionally.
With the release of Mr. Turner from prison comes a swarm of articles, feelings, arguments and other things. But one thing that stands out is the phrase "white privilege" or "white male."
I am not going to lie and say wealth has its perks. If I grew up in a multi-million dollar family I probably would be drinking booze on a yacht full of people somewhere with drugs and tons of other stuff. I also would probably use that money to get the best attorney possible to get my charges dropped to a simple seat belt violation. Ever since the beginning of time, wealth and not race has determined power. Even today money gives you power in lots of places. Money is also the greed of mankind and is very influencing.
To be using race or gender as a wedge to drive a point or issue is pretentious this day in age. How is it that we blame a race or a gender in 2016 for something. White males get into schools better or jobs over a man of color or even a women who is more qualified for examples. I do not see this privilege that you spoken and preached. If you had a middle-class white male he probably would have been convicted longer. But this is hypothetical. One can argue in the case of Michael Vick if you remember when he was arrest and convicted of dog fighting and served over a year(s) in prison If Tony Romo was arrested instead of Vick, Romo would get less time because of this "privileged."
I don't believe in Brocks case it was "white privilege" , or privilege at all but wealth. Wealth is what everything boils down to. If the poor had more money they would not be poor. Another case was the famous "affluenza" case. The case was made by the defense that since the kid did not know better due to his wealth. The kid got off pretty good too. Another case where wealth gives you an advantage is networking. Networking can increase wealth, get you a better job or into the school you want to. If dad was a Harvard alumni then Harvard has an interest in alumnus' kid over an inner-city kid who was top of their class.
What everything that we see is all about money, a system that can be influenced at the right price. The only way we can change this is by either letting the old ways die out or taken the bad out. You can't teach an old dog (who's stuck in their ways) new tricks. Telling a man who is sexist to be fair , he might not be. White privilege is the wrong word to use. It is the wealth that impedes justice. But we have seen where wealth can't hide justice in the form of corruption, embezzling, fraud etc. Al Capone the most wanted gangster in American history was arrest and convicted of tax invasion. If only Al filed his 1040ez form with the IRS.
If white males are so privileged why is it that I didn't get into the top schools, I don't get jobs I apply for, aid and loans etc? Well, it is all about your wealth status in this game of life.