Do you remember that feeling when you read something you didn’t want to read or when you get that phone call that leaves you speechless? Do you remember the feeling after the news? When you feel so numb you can’t move or can’t feel any emotions. When all you want to do is scream or cry, but you have absolutely no control over your entire body and the numbness that you are feeling.
Numbness is defined as “deprived of physical sensation or the ability to move” and “lacking or deficient in emotion or feeling; indifferent." It’s when you feel emotionless; you can’t feel pain or happiness or even sadness. Grief and stress could be causing you to feel overwhelmed, making you develop emotional numbness.
I’ve done my research and feeling numb can be a physical symptom of depression and anxiety, but it can also be a defense mechanism. Your brain is protecting you by shutting down the part of your brain that processes emotions. This is a normal reaction to something traumatic, such as a car accident, a family death, etc. Over time, your brain will adjust and let yourself feel emotions again. However, if your feeling numb and nothing too life-changing has happened, you should look into it. Suppressing your emotions over time can have very negative effects and can be damaging to your health.
When dealing with hard times, it's healthy to feel numb - it’s your brain looking out for yourself. I found while researching, that coping with your emotions and numbness can actually make you stronger. It’s hard to deal with the troubling times, but over time it’s going to make you stronger. So when you’re feeling down and emotionless, know that it’s actually healthy and can help you become stronger.
If you feel hopeless about the future and like you can't control your emotions, this can be a sign that something is wrong. If you’re constantly feeling numb over little things, or you feel that you haven’t felt emotions in a while, please reach out to someone. It can be a step towards better health to reach out and get help.