Air conditioning is one of those things that it's easy to take for granted...until you don't have it. And when you don't have air conditioning, whether that be in your car, your house, or your school building...these 12 feelings and thoughts just might look familiar to you.
1) When some poor unfortunate soul tells you that there isn't air conditioning where you are and you have to restrain yourself from unleashing the very fury of the underworld onto them. (I don't do so well in the heat).
2) The mini pep-talk that you give yourself when you're trying to convince yourself that maybe it won't be that bad. You're an adult and you will definitely face harder things than being warm in this life. Right?
3) The first time that you try and move any faster than a slow-motion sloth: hello sweatiness. And also exhaustion after anything and everything. (Getting dressed = your new workout).
4) The realization that cold showers don't do anything to cool you down for longer than a few minutes. Fun fact: cold showers don't cool you down at all because cold water makes your blood vessels constrict to save heat. (It's alright to cry now).
5) Back sweat is a real thing...and it's disgusting. And so is sweating in places that just aren't right (hello boob sweat, am I right?)
6) Walking into a store that has air-conditioning is literally the best thing ever...whether that be a grocery store, a department store or your local gas station.
7) ...and walking back out feels absolutely horrible. Like as good as walking into air conditioning felt, walking back out feels almost 10 times worse.
8) When someone tries to convince you that not having air-conditioning really isn't that bad after all. And although they're not wrong, there are people who do this everyday, the only reaction you can muster is this:
9) The fact that ceiling fans only have like three settings and NONE of them are enough to compensate for the heat. AKA: 1) barely moving, 2) getting a little breeze but not nearly enough, and finally 3) these blades are spinning so fast that you might actually die but nothing is getting cooler).
10) Sleeping is impossible unless you're in the perfect spot for air-flow from the windows...and almost every morning you wake up exactly like this cat. Arms and legs out to maximize any and all cooling potential.
11) Clothing is optional when there's no A/C...or at least anything more than a sports bra and shorts (or shirtless if that's your thing). Pretty much anything with sleeves or fabric thicker than light cotton is just a laughable offense.
12) Anything, and I do mean anything, that is cooler than 60 degrees is a blessing from the heavens. (Although we all know that nothing quite beats an ice cream sandwich on a hot day).
If there's one thing I've learned in my short time in Mexico so far, it's that air conditioning is one modern convenience I'm not ready to live without. Whether you keep your house at a balmy 75 or a chilly 60, I think we can all agree that a little air conditioning never killed nobody.